Monday, October 31, 2011

New beginning

It's time to start over-- something I've known for a while but chose to ignore, because it was much easier to just keep rolling along with the status quo. However, today I reached that point at which walking away and not looking back becomes not just possible, but necessary.
I'm leaving Tumblr and coming back to Blogspot. This isn't a full-circle journey, or anything; if I wanted to go all the way back to the very beginning of my blogging existence, I would have to make a Xanga. I probably still have about ten of them floating around in cyberspace so I'm not going to do that. Anyway, I always liked Blogger/Blogspot (not quite sure what to call it). So here I am, and here I'll stay-- not forever, but for a while.
Why am I leaving Tumblr? Tumblr is annoying and distracting. It's not a place I can get any quality writing written and posted because it's full of so much crap. I understand this is my fault because it means I am following Tumblrs that are full of 'so much crap.' But I find Tumblr in general, for me, at least, is not conducive to good writing, and especially not to good creative writing. The whole 'Dashboard' thing is just...ridiculous. The amount of time I spend scrolling through it, and pressing refresh is probably much greater than even my most generous estimates. No more!
I'm hoping this change will yield more time for actual writing. Because I was never on Tumblr so I could reblog photos and GIFs and all those cute little Internet memes. I'm not trying to disparage the people who are there for that reason-- it's perfectly fine to reblog things, and Tumblr is probably the best blogging platform out there if you what you want to do is keep a record online of images & videos you enjoy.
I've never been much of a visual learner, myself.

I also totally fell out of the habit on Tumblr of writing about my LIFE. Somewhere along the line I started feeling like just keeping a journal wasn't good enough, so I began writing lots of posts about social/political issues, why the world is so fucked up, why people know the world is so fucked up but still aren't doing anything about it, etc. You can be certain there will be posts of that nature on this blog...but it's mostly going to be daily, boring (maybe) rants about my life. I don't want to keep feeling like my blog has to 'become' something, or work toward a particular purpose. I need a way to release all of my emotions and worries and cares...and I don't give a damn if people think it's self-indulgent. Believe me, the world would not want to deal with a Katie who has no means of catharsis.


So, on that note. I am sick, as of yesterday morning at 6:00am. I seem to be getting slightly worse/staying the same. I'm going to the pharmacy in a bit to consult with someone there. I'm sort of lost in terms of what medicine to buy and I don't want to waste my money. in fact I really don't even want to take medicine but I can't keep feeling this crappy if I expect to attend all three of my classes tomorrow. And my meeting. And my other meeting.
Today has actually been strangely productive. I'm usually not productive at all when I'm sick, but my productivity was greatly aided by the fact that the Internet was NOT WORKING for hours this morning. I barely had any signal and it was incredibly slow. Anyway, here's what I did this lovely Halloween morning:
  • wrote my final paper proposal for one of my classes [Coming to Terms with Popular Culture]
  • wrote a rough outline of my final project for another class [Human Ecology]
  • organized all of my Google Chrome bookmarks
  • watched a TED talk that I needed to see for my third class [Changing Schools, Changing Society]
  • emailed someone re: a potential job next summer
Doesn't seem like that much, but keep in mind-- I'm sick. And slightly lazy. It doesn't feel like Halloween at all. I'm not going trick-or-treating because walking around at night in the cold does not seem conducive to a speedy recovery from this thing, whatever it is. There's an Ed. Studies panel discussion tonight but I doubt I'm going to make it to that either. The rest of the afternoon looks like this: physical therapy, pharmacy, hang out in room, dinner, hang out in room. Hopefully I'll get some more work done.
Last night I started working on some of the things that are going in people's Christmas packages. I really like doing arts-n-crafts-y type things (if that makes any sense at all). I've also discovered that I love making collages. I mean I sort of knew that I did but in the past few years I hadn't made any so I forgot. Speaking of collages, I (well, my partner and I, actually) got the highest grade in the class on my midterm presentation (which involved a huge collage) for Pop Culture. Very proud.

Alright I am going to find something at least marginally productive to do until my friend comes to chauffer me to PT (she's such a sweetheart, really).

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