Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The joys of being sick

I feel worse today, if that's even possible. I hope I don't have the flu- I don't think I do, but I suppose it's a possibility. Barely got any sleep last night-- well, that's not exactly true. I slept from 9:30 to midnight, and then I couldn't fall back asleep for a while because someone kept opening and closing doors really loudly in the hallway. Then I slept from midnight until 1:30...got up to pee, sat in bed for a while feeling sorry for myself, etc. I called my boyfriend and he kept me company until almost 4:00 while I watched a dumb ABC family movie on Netflix. Then he went to bed, I finished a movie I started the other night, and finally fell asleep again around 5:00. Woke up when my roommate came in, fell asleep right after that, woke up at 9:30ish. Missing my first class of the term...and I have the feeling I'll be missing my other two classes as well. At least I haven't skipped any in the past seven weeks.
Discovered four seasons of Gossip Girl are on Netflix. Totally what will be keeping me occupied for the day. I have stuff I could work on, but I just don't want to do anything...I'm exhausted and my body is aching. My neck is so sore. I don't think I can take any Tylenol or anything yet because I took Alleve yesterday [which didn't really help anything] and I'm trying to wait over 24 hours before taking something else. A few summers ago my mom accidentally took ibuprofren too soon after taking Alleve and had really terrible side effects. If I have a fever, though, I think I need to take Tylenol.
Blah. I'll update again later. I should get semi-dressed, brush my hair, go downstairs and wash my dishes/make some tea...

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