Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Food/exercise, and control

Vegan pumpkin pie is baking in the oven! About 20 more minutes until it's done, and then it has to cool for an hour and set in the refrigerator for a while. It (hopefully) will not be touched until dessert on Thanksgiving day. It wasn't too hard to make, although I did have some issues with the consistency of the crust. Anyway.

Ran 2.5 miles today and felt so great! Tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll have much time to work out, but if I do it'll just be some light cross-training at the gym for 30-40 minutes. I need to rest up for my 5K on Thursday morning (SO EXCITED). This is by far the biggest race I've ever participated in- over 10,000 runners, INCLUDING: Joan Benoit Samuelson and Bill Rodgers! I'm hoping to get their autographs tomorrow when I go to the race expo and pick up my number.

I finally feel in control of my eating again, and of course it's because I'm at home and I get to decide everything I eat. I have some control at school, I guess, but it's not like I actually get to choose what to cook, from a seemingly infinite number of options. I get to choose from the options someone else lays out for me. I wish I had more willpower, and I think I can try and make better decisions, but ultimately I  know that I will inevitably eat better/healthier foods and more reasonable portions when I cook at home. I do cook for myself on the weekends at school and I don't have the money to cook for myself during the rest of the week, especially considering that my dining hall meals have already been purchased.

Today I had oatmeal with a tbsp of apple butter, a coconut-milk yogurt with blueberries, and herbal tea for breakfast. For lunch I had a slice of sprouted wheat bread with a little peanut butter and cinnamon (weird combo but one that I adore), baby carrots and hummus, and leftover roasted brussel sprouts. I felt hungry after eating all that so then I had a clementine. I also had 16oz water with lunch.

While baking the pie I had a couple spoonfuls of the crust dough and filling but I'm not stressing about that. I had another 16oz water after my run. Dinner will be 1 or 1.5 bowls of roasted vegetable soup and possibly a piece of tempeh with ginger-soy marinade.

I'm really enjoying planning my meals again and I know I won't be able to at school so I'm trying not to get too comfortable with this...but I so badly want to be close to 150 when I go back at the beginning of January, because I know I'll have no issues maintaining my weight. And as my half-marathon training gets more intense maybe I WILL lose weight, who knows?

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